Free yourself from your past & consciously create a future that excites you

In practice for over 11 years, Vicky integrates somatic therapy, shamanic healing, plant medicine, NLP, hypnotherapy & life coaching to get you back in your power, fully connected to how you're going to create a life of your dreams.


Heal emotional pain & stop playing small. Let's create what you're really here for, and make it quick:


Modalities in my method

Somatic Healing

We can't talk our way out of trauma, stuck emotion and heavy burdens - they have to be released by the body. This beautiful and powerful modality was the turning point in my therapeutic practice and continues to be for my clients.

Shamanic Healing

Clearing the energy being held in your field - from your own experiences, from your ancestral line, from past lives, and any that has been directed at you from other sources that has ended up stuck in your field. This alignment allows you to be fully embodied, knowing who you are and what you deserve

Plant Medicine

Working with psilocybin is a phenomenal way to bypass your 'stuck' patterns, introduce new life-changing downloads and understandings that lead to radical, long lasting change. This deep spiritual work gives insight into who you are, why you're here, and freedom from the limitations your mind now perceives.


NLP uses language to elicit brain plasticity to dissolve negative thought patterns, beliefs and train new neural pathways so your mindset becomes supportive and resilient.

Life Coaching

We use life coaching methods to ensure the energetic and somatic changes we make on the table integrate into your everyday life, moving you to confidence and competence quickly.

Inner Child Healing

I've never worked with a client who this hasn't created a huge shift for. Effective inner child work means you become your biggest supporter, biggest asset and can rely on yourself even as your dreams demand the best of you.


Somatic Healing


Shamanic Healing


12 Lessons

271 Reviews

6 Weeks

Plant Medicine


12 Lessons

271 Reviews

6 Weeks


Blog Posts

Secret of Successful Teamwork


12 Lessons

271 Reviews

6 Weeks

Growth up Business with Brand


12 Lessons

271 Reviews

6 Weeks

Secret of Successful Teamwork


12 Lessons

271 Reviews

6 Weeks


Hear from people who've worked with me

"How do I simplify what I’ve gotten from this? My whole life has changed, really.

I came to find a business coach and I found a life changing experience.

One of the biggest areas I have seen enormous shifts for me has been around money. Obviously I’m earning more money because I’m implementing really good business processes…but where I’m really feeling a big change is my attitude toward money and how I feel about money."


Deanna Cooney, Voice Over Coach

"As someone who has invested in therapy and a lot of holistic modalities for about 18 years now,

this was one of the most profound sessions that I’ve had thus far in my life"

Michelle House, InbodiCo

"Vicky came to my rescue when I found myself not motivated, quite emotional, stuck and just unhappy. Lost and feeling trapped.

From speaking with Vicky 3x a month for a year, I was really able to regain alignment and focus and happiness and huge huge shifts happened in my life - as big as they get, both personally and professionally - and now I’m on a different path.

It was hugely beneficial."

Fiona Cooper, Actor

"Vicky is an incredibly gifted coach and healer.

When there’s something I can’t quite figure out, Vicky is the person that I turn to.

She has this way of cutting through the noise and really quickly getting to the root of the issue."

Brooke Surtees, Women's Hormones Expert

"So many things shifted for me after my first session with Vicky.

I couldn’t understand why I was procrastinating so badly.

Even just after the first session, we went so deep into things I hadn’t even thought were potential reasons.


Vicky was able to tune into my energy and give me so much clarification, validation, and understanding. Honestly, so many things shifted for me after that.

I had this newfound understanding and knowing. It was just so powerful and I’m so grateful we got to do this work."


Chloe Maynard, Naturopath

"I’m making some changes in my business and felt that I needed some support around helping my nervous system adjust to these changes...

...but also knowing the changes I’m making are going to require a new level of me and showing up for myself and my business and I needed some support and guidance around that."

Naomi Henderson, Skin Care Clinic Owner

"Your perspective is absolutely incredible. The way you gently offer different ways to look at things to allow us to see things differently by removing our filter of pain and hurt."


Jessica Gilbert, Coach

Before this, I was stuck in a real rut that I simply could not see an end to. I was feeling that despite my best efforts with a range of different therapies and modalities, as well as taking positive actions to address the issues I faced, the numerous challenges that I had experienced over the years were now a heavy burden that I just could not shift. I felt like I was trapped with my trauma forever.

However all this changed with Vicky's guidance.
Vicky helped guide me to create an enormous shift in energy that worked to lift and clear all the old hurt and pain that was no longer mine to carry.

The change in energy that the ceremony created has given me a completely new perspective and all the joy and happiness has immediately come flooding back into my life. I feel more in alignment with myself than I have ever felt before and I am genuinely optimistic and excited for the future and what this shift is going to bring.

I can't thank Vicky enough for her amazing insights and for providing such a wonderful resource that is so desperately needed by so many people. I highly recommend her to anyone who is interested in pursuing this path.

- Bianca

From the moment I met with Vicky, I felt so at ease in her presence and in her beautiful, welcoming space. I knew instantly though, that there would be no hiding from myself or Vicky and from the first session onwards, she has held such a safe space and energy with me to be able to share my rawest and most vulnerable self like never before.

Vicky is not only gifted, but she is a GIFT! She is intuitive, she is lightness, she is incredibly wise and she is just a genuinely beautiful human who has the most inexplicable ability to facilitate healing for others. I feel lighter, clearer, more balanced, more aware and more connected to myself than ever before. Working with Vicky has been life changing for me and I am just so grateful for her offerings.

- Nat

Hey, I'm Vic

I don’t like the term ‘healer’.

No one person heals another.

Clients work with me because they’re ready to change what isn't working for them, and take responsibility for that process.

They have stuff to let go of; stuff that is trapping them in behaviours and emotions that are painful or holding them back from doing what they want to do and being who they want to be.

To do that, you don’t need someone to ‘fix’ you, you need the tools to fully own, know, accept, and work with yourself on an emotional, mental, spiritual and even physical level.

Then everything you've been struggling with, or searching for or lacking your whole life becomes available to you.

This has been the most liberating thing that's ever happened to me, and I'm very lucky to get to work with people who want that for themselves, and to help them get there.

This work has changed my life entirely, and I'd love to help you do the same.


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