How Does It Work?

Combining cutting edge healing modalities to bring you rapid, effective & long-lasting transformation

For over a decade, I have dedicated myself to learning as much about healing and consciousness as possible, in pursuit of creating life-altering change in the most effective and efficient way.

I now work 1:1 using a combination of all of these modalities to facilitate the deepest change within the shortest period of time. Most of my clients aren't new to working on themselves - they have done talk therapy or similar previously, experiencing some results but still not the 'transformation' they were looking for.

I work with them using these modalities to help them achieve that transformation.

In my career so far, I have learned the limits of our mind as much as I have the power of it. We can create phenomenal change by re-wiring our neurology and the way our mind encodes our experience, but there were still limitations with this.

Sometimes change would stick, and sometimes there was something missing.

The search to fill the gap of what was missing took me into an exploration of our nervous system and somatic healing - how to create safety in the body as well as changing the mind's perceptions. By releasing what the body was holding (often generational or otherwise inherited), life begins to flow a lot more easily, and we can create with a lot more joy.

By understanding how trauma and emotional dysregulation keep us stuck in patterns even when we 'know better', I was able to help clients create much deeper change that wasn't available for them before this, despite their best efforts.

Being given the opportunity to work with clients who still needed more to fully heal and create total freedom from old traumas and old patterns led me to shamanic work. I learned about the energies being held in our systems, from this lifetime and others. By freeing those clients of those energetic blockages, the changes they'd been fighting to make became much easier for them, with so much less thought and attention required, like it would happen on its own.

I love to work with people to help them change the patterns that are running their lives, and give them back the freedom to choose from an empowered place.

My role is to raise your awareness so you understand your responses and reactions, deepening self-compassion and capability - so you are more empowered to 'do the work' yourself, rather than relying on a practitioner.

In my practice, this work comes down to freedom: how do we free you of the heavier, lower-vibrational emotions, and give you the tools to create with ease and consciousness and intention so your life can be exactly as you choose it, and even when things are hard, you can feel grounded, empowered and capable.

If that's you, I'd love to hear from you.

This work has changed my life in so many ways, allowed me to embody the lessons from the harder things life throws at us, and enjoy a peace and happiness I didn't know existed before.

I'd love to help you embody that in your own life too.


Modalities in my method

Somatic Healing

We can't talk our way out of trauma, stuck emotion and heavy burdens - they have to be released by the body. This beautiful and powerful modality was the turning point in my therapeutic practice and continues to be for my clients.

Shamanic Healing

Clearing the energy being held in your field - from your own experiences, from past lives, and any that has been directed at you, we create freedom to be present and choose for yourself now.

Plant Medicine

Working with psilocybin is a phenomenal way to bypass your 'stuck' patterns, introduce new life-changing downloads and understandings that lead to radical, long lasting change.


NLP uses language to elicit brain plasticity to dissolve negative thought patterns, beliefs and train new neural pathways so your mindset becomes supportive and resilient.

Life Coaching

We use life coaching methods to ensure the energetic and somatic changes we make on the table integrate into your everyday life, moving you to confidence and competence quickly.

Inner Child Healing

I've never worked with a client who this hasn't created a huge shift for. Effective inner child work means you become your biggest supporter, biggest asset and can rely on yourself even as your dreams demand the best of you.

Somatic Healing

We can't talk our way out of trauma, stuck emotion and heavy burdens - they have to be released by the body. This beautiful and powerful modality was the turning point in my therapeutic practice and continues to be for my clients.

Shamanic Healing

We can't talk our way out of trauma, stuck emotion and heavy burdens - they have to be released by the body. This beautiful and powerful modality was the turning point in my therapeutic practice and continues to be for my clients.

Plant Medicine

We can't talk our way out of trauma, stuck emotion and heavy burdens - they have to be released by the body. This beautiful and powerful modality was the turning point in my therapeutic practice and continues to be for my clients.


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